Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jobs in America

It's been noted that Stuff Mart is a pretty big employer of American workers.

I don't wish to suggest that we put them out of business.

I only wish to signal to them that we'd prefer if they sold items made in the USA.

The prices will (probably) be higher...and why is that? How can we ship raw materials overseas, have them produced into a certain widget, and have them shipped back to us for less than we can make them here?

As Pa Grape once said, "That's just nuts!"

So, here's my sometimes-daily recommendation for a great item made in the USA...the MAGLITE flashlight, made right here in Ontario, California. Very durable and heavy duty. Their new LED flashlight provides good light, and lasts for a long long time on a normal set of batteries.

1 comment:

nutuba said...

Hey I've got a Mag lite flashlight and I LOVE it! It's the first flashlight I've ever had that has withstood the beatings of frequent use. It's durable and dependable.