Monday, December 8, 2008

Black Friday Stampede

I promise my tirades will remain light-hearted, and my disdain for "stuff" will be tempered with some humor, but I want to get serious for a few minutes to remind us all what we've read with horror in the papers lately.

You're probably aware that, on November 28th, inside the doors at Wal*Mart Jdimytai "Jimbo" Damour was trampeled to death as the busiest shopping day of the year turned ugly early.


In addition to Mr. Damour, there were 4 others, including a pregnant woman, who were injured. Some of the shoppers became indignant when informed they would have to suspend their shopping momentarily while the medical professionals tended to the injured.

I'll stop short of blaming Wal*Mart for this tragedy. They perhaps could have been better prepared (what, we have a lot of shoppers this morning?). It's not the world's biggest trading partner with China who created this type of behavior. Is it?

But this is the cost of a human life...good prices on imported stuff. Do you suppose Mr. Damour's family gets an instant price rollback on specially marked items?

Shop on...

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