Friday, January 16, 2009

Hey, nice pants...

Today it was -11 degrees F when I rode my bike to work. Granted, I have less than a 1-mile commute, but it looked like a challenge, so I bit.

My four-season parka, a sweater, long-sleeved T were on top. Khaki's lined with today's favorite Made-in-America SportHill running pants. They're made in "careful with that Axe" Eugene, Oregon. (who can pinpoint that reference?)

SportHill carries a good line of athletic apparel. It ain't cheap, but it's good quality...and it'slocal. REALLY local if you live in Oregon.

You can find them online (why isn't this link working?), or at any number of nationwide online retailer such as REI, Sierra Trading Post, LL Bean,, Scheels,, Reno Sports and others.

Stay warm!

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