Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Food and Music

So, 7 years in the Navy, traveling to 34 different countries, I noted something.

The two things I used to seek out in every country...food and music.

There are a number of things that are a good measure of a nation's culture: clothing, religion, architecture. But the two immediate things that always stood out for me were food and music.

I always tried to sample the local food and music.

A couple of things you can find locally on a pretty regular basis are food and music. We do a pretty good job at that.

But be careful. If other people measure our culture by food and music, we should make sure they're not judging us by McDonald's and Hanna Montana.

But then who would it be? What is more quintissentially American than cheeseburgers and Rock and Roll?

How about some good local grass-fed steak, and a night of listening to some great local live music?

What's better than a summer picnic with sweet corn, watermelon and John Phillips Sousa!

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